Monday, October 11, 2010

Awww, Crap! How Much Worse Can It Get?

Guess what, folks? Everybody's favourite piece of moronic middle-american non-comedy is about to go Hollywood. Yes indeedy: not content with trying to kill the braincells of every living being on the planet by making a 'Marmaduke' movie, it turns out that the Moguls of Mediocrity are about to bring 'The Family Circus' to the screen. Somehow.

Naturally, it had to be Fox, didn't it? Please, Great Cthulhu: let Rupert Murdoch NEVER, EVER discover 'Fred Basset.'


  1. Ye gods! May their toenails all rot!

  2. The only thing that could save this movie


    though family circus has alawys displayed characteristics of the undead.

  3. I'd much prefer a Happiness and Cyanide film

  4. Xavier: it would make at least as much sense, and be much funnier. I say a feature-length battle between 'Assfirst-man' and 'The Purple-Shirted Eye-stabber' must be pitched to Fox at once!

  5. The comments after the article are gold. The concept of making a movie from this twaddle is surely the product of a coke addled hollywood producer's fevered imagination.

  6. Gibbon would have a lot to say about this....

  7. Nah. I asked him, but he declined. Then he fell.
