Thursday, March 18, 2010

OMFG. I Think These People Are Actually Serious.

Go! Play! Be appalled!


  1. I've seen this with Bob the Builder and Lightning McQueen stuff. To be fair, this looks about the same intellectual level. Actually, that's a bit rough on Bob.

  2. I shouldn't be surprised but ... OMFG!

  3. Sorry to repeat your OMFG but it needed it.

  4. No need to apologise. If you hadn't repeated it, I probably would have done so. And also: eeeeyew!

  5. About 30yrs ago parents could get such personalised books for their kids. My wife has one.

  6. Might I urge all of your readers who live in anywhere near MI in the USA to track down Sofie M. who in her lowing testimonial wrote

    "Wow! I got this book for my birthday from my BFF who knows I love Twilight and all things vampirey. It was amazing!"

    and see if there is a viable thinking human being in there or if, as I hope, it is just a fictitious creation to promote this affront to humanity.

    It is bad enough when vampires sparkle, I do not exaggerated when I say this is hella times worse.
